다음은 학교에서 배우는 현재완료 시제에 대한 예상문제입니다. 기본 문법 및 쓰임새(경험, 계속, 완료, 결과)를 포함하고 있습니다.
현재완료는 함께 쓰는 부사가 일정 부분 정해져 있어서
경험 : ever, never, once, before
계속: for ~동안, since ~부터
완료: just, yet, already
결과: x
아래 문제들을 연습장에 풀고 답을 맞혀보세요~~
1. 빈칸 채우기
1) She ______ (live) in this city for five years.
(이 문장에서 “살아왔다”는 의미를 표현하세요.)
2) I ______ (just / finish) my homework.
(과제를 막 끝냈음을 나타내는 문장을 만드세요.)
3) ______ you ever ______ (try) Japanese food?
(일본 음식을 먹어본 적이 있는지 묻는 질문을 만드세요.)
2. 문장 바르게 고치기 문제
4) He has went to the park already.
(올바른 문장으로 고치세요.)
5) They has visited the museum many times.
(문장의 오류를 찾아 수정하세요.)
3. 해석 문제
6) 다음 문장을 해석하세요:
“I have never seen such a beautiful sunset.”
4. 어순 배열 문제
7) 다음 단어들을 올바른 순서로 배열해 문장을 만드세요:
(week / she / this / three / called / times / has / me).
5. 사용 용도 문제
8) 다음 문장이 어떤 의미(경험, 결과, 완료, 계속)에 해당하는지 쓰세요:
“He has worked as a teacher since 2010.”
6. 선택형 문제
9) 다음 문장에서 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 단어를 고르세요:
( a) has lived / b) have lived / c) has been living )
She ______ in London since last year.
7. 작문 문제
10) “나는 3번 일본에 가본 적이 있다”를 영어로 현재완료 시제를 사용하여 쓰세요.
각 문제를 풀면서 현재완료의 쓰임과 형식을 연습할 수 있습니다!
다음은 문제와 답입니다.
1. 빈칸 채우기 문제
1) She has lived (live) in this city for five years.
답: has lived
2) I have just finished (just / finish) my homework.
답: have just finished
3) Have you ever tried (try) Japanese food?
답: Have, tried
2. 문장 바르게 고치기 문제
4) He has gone to the park already.
답: has gone
5) They have visited the museum many times.
답: have visited
3. 해석 문제
6) “I have never seen such a beautiful sunset.”
답: 나는 그렇게 아름다운 석양을 본 적이 없다.
4. 어순 배열 문제
7) She has called me three times this week.
답: She has called me three times this week.
5. 사용 용도 문제
8) “He has worked as a teacher since 2010.”
답: 계속 (현재완료 시제에서 특정 시점부터 지금까지 지속됨을 나타냄)
6. 선택형 문제
9) She has lived in London since last year.
답: a) has lived
7. 작문 문제
10) 나는 3번 일본에 가본 적이 있다.
답: I have been to Japan three times.
이 답을 참고하며 현재완료 문법을 복습하세요!
1. 틀린 문장을 2개 찾아라.
1. She has lived in Paris for five years.
2. I have saw him at the park before.
3. Have you ever eaten Italian food?
4. He hasn’t called me since last week.
5. They has visited that museum twice.
6. I have been to Japan three times.
7. We have already finished our homework.
8. She has just buy a new car.
2. 맞는 문장을 2개 찾아라.
1. He have worked here for three months.
2. She has just finished her lunch.
3. They has traveled to Spain before.
4. Have you ever seen this movie?
5. She haven’t gone to the market yet.
6. I has never visited this place before.
7. We have cleaned the room already.
8. He has ate dinner.
3. 틀린 문장을 3개 찾아라.
1. I have not finished my homework yet.
2. She have visited her grandparents many times.
3. They has been friends since childhood.
4. Have you met him before?
5. He has played the piano since he was five.
6. We hasn’t talked for a while.
7. I have been waiting here for an hour.
8. He has written three books so far.
4. 맞는 문장을 모두 고르시오.
1. She has never been late for school.
2. They has just moved to a new apartment.
3. I have seen this movie three times.
4. We hasn’t finished our homework yet.
5. Have you ever traveled to another country?
6. He have been to Italy before.
7. She has already done her chores.
8. I has worked here since 2018.
5. 틀린 문장을 4개 찾아라.
1. They have never gone hiking in the mountains.
2. He hasn’t taken a break all day.
3. She has buyed a new phone recently.
4. Have you ever heared this song before?
5. I have been working here since 2019.
6. We has been waiting for you for two hours.
7. She has taken her dog to the vet already.
8. He have finished his assignment early.
이 문제들로 현재완료의 올바른 활용을 심화 학습할 수 있습니다!
다음은 보기 문제의 정답입니다.
1. 틀린 문장을 2개 찾아라.
틀린 문장:
2) I have saw him at the park before. → seen
5) They has visited that museum twice. → have
2. 맞는 문장을 2개 찾아라.
맞는 문장:
2) She has just finished her lunch.
4) Have you ever seen this movie?
3. 틀린 문장을 3개 찾아라.
틀린 문장:
2) She have visited her grandparents many times. → has
3) They has been friends since childhood. → have
6) We hasn’t talked for a while. → haven’t
4. 맞는 문장을 모두 고르시오.
맞는 문장:
1. She has never been late for school.
2. I have seen this movie three times.
3. Have you ever traveled to another country?
4. She has already done her chores.
5. 틀린 문장을 4개 찾아라.
틀린 문장:
3) She has buyed a new phone recently. → bought
4) Have you ever heared this song before? → heard
6) We has been waiting for you for two hours. → have
8) He have finished his assignment early. → has
이 정답을 참고하여 문법 오류를 확실히 이해하고 현재완료 시제를 복습해 보세요!
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