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중학교 영어시험 문제 because+주어 동사 VS because of 명사

by bubmoy 2024. 11. 23.
because+주어 동사 VS because of 명사

이 둘은 오른쪽에 동사가 있냐 없냐의 문제라고 생각하면 쉬워요~
(1) because
이 단어는 접속사로 주어와 동사를 써야해요.

(2) because of
이 단어는 전치사로 명사 하나만 있으면 끝이에요~

Here’s a set of 20 questions to help practice distinguishing between “because” and “because of” in sentences, with a variety of contexts and structures:

1. She missed the meeting (because/because of) her flight was delayed.
2. The event was canceled (because/because of) bad weather.
3. (Because/Because of) he studied hard, he passed the exam.
4. They were late to the concert (because/because of) traffic.
5. The shop closed early (because/because of) there were no customers.
6. He got a promotion (because/because of) his excellent performance.
7. (Because/Because of) she was feeling unwell, she stayed home.
8. The children were excited (because/because of) the upcoming holiday.
9. (Because/Because of) he was the only witness, the police questioned him thoroughly.
10. The museum gained popularity (because/because of) its recent renovation.

11. They canceled the trip (because/because of) the storm.
12. (Because/Because of) the project deadline, they worked overtime.
13. She was happy (because/because of) she had won the contest.
14. (Because/Because of) his busy schedule, he couldn’t attend the event.
15. The movie was successful (because/because of) the talented cast.
16. (Because/Because of) she didn’t prepare, she felt nervous.
17. He was praised (because/because of) his leadership skills.
18. The audience applauded loudly (because/because of) the impressive performance.
19. (Because/Because of) the heavy rain, the roads were flooded.
20. They had to leave early (because/because of) the unexpected delay.

In these sentences, “because” introduces a clause (with a subject and verb), explaining the reason. “Because of” is used with a noun or noun phrase to indicate a cause. Practice identifying which sentences need a clause or a phrase to reinforce this rule.

Here are 10 questions that focus on distinguishing between “because” and “because of” when used with gerunds (동명사) or phrases. Each question will require choosing the correct form based on whether it introduces a clause (requiring “because”) or a gerund phrase (requiring “because of”).

1. The company’s profits increased significantly (because/because of) investing in new technology.
2. She succeeded in the competition (because/because of) practicing every day.
3. The team was exhausted (because/because of) working long hours without breaks.
4. The class was canceled (because/because of) there being no instructor available.
5. He was late to the meeting (because/because of) forgetting to set his alarm.
6. The project was delayed (because/because of) waiting for additional funding.
7. The fans were disappointed (because/because of) the concert being postponed.
8. (Because/Because of) failing to meet the deadline, they lost the contract.
9. The teacher praised him (because/because of) completing his assignment early.
10. The event was a success (because/because of) careful planning by the organizers.

In each of these sentences, remember to look for a gerund (verb + -ing) or noun phrase to determine if “because of” is appropriate. If the sentence needs a full clause (subject + verb), then “because” is the correct choice. This practice helps reinforce using “because of” with gerunds/noun phrases and “because” with clauses.
